Last night I went with my family to see this documentary that will delight them for how well it is done and for the energy it conveys. Dolores Huerta a tireless and unyielding fighter. Powerful!
And again: How we think life to women !!!!! And seeing how we have to fight shoulder to shoulder with social injustices I can only ratify myself with pride the enormous and important contribution of women in all these processes of social change, and you are filled with energy and the certainty invades you that this is the way to advance, despite the sacrifices and also the satisfactions. But, seeing that sadly we have to take a double struggle, due to our status as a woman, also (and this for me remains unheard of) within the social, community, peasant, labor movement, of which we are part, even within our own family to recognize diverse, powerful, permanent and face for the umpteenth time that it is a constant in all the social, cultural, economic and political levels, levels and strata of our world; I can not find more than the imperative need to rebel, not to remain silent, to put on the table what I think and feel, to resume with more desire the strength that we all carry within and that marks our potential to change the world.
While the images were happening, I thought with an accomplice smile, in feminist wrestlers Salvadoran women. I can and I want to put name and face to those struggles, we are not invisible! feeling part of this torrent of vitality and determination that left behind the “right” to transgress it, deconstruct it and rebuild it step by step. The faces and names of many women I have had the honor to meet here are Olivia, Maite, Aby, Marisol, Montserrat, Nicole, Florence … who are social activists, professionals committed to just causes, housewives, a lot of different women that we make way for double fight, but with the same heart !!!!!!!!!